Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker 2: user interface, running cases and functionality
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I have a dependent field (text field with Validate ANY) that has a SQL Connection with SQL to query an invoicing table on a MS SQLServer. The SQL query obtains the selling price which is a Decimal(11,4) field. The dependent field/SQL works and retrieves the data, however it only ever shows a whole number - the decimal precision is not obtained (e.g. SQL Table field is 51.5900, but Processmaker retrieves 51). Is this a bug (I am running version 2.0.45) or is there something I am missing?
If I set the field type to Currency it will not allow me to select is as a dependent field (it does not show in the list of dependent field choices in my other field). I have tried using the real number validation in the existing text field but this did not work.

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