Ask questions about your install or get help installing and configuring ProcessMaker 2
By stantrabel
Hello, I'm new to the forum, and looking for some advise. I'm enjoying PM, and have spent numerous hour learning some of the great things it has to offer. I have found that it fills a very important void in our small business, as we juggle many leads at once, We're using PM on a very minimal level, basic task hand off's, with very little use of I/E documents. The part I need advise with is, we are a small three person operation. We have a sale person, the owner of the company and myself who handles production and orders. I was hoping to have PM set up so the owner could see where every lead was at a glance so he could track things, While sales and I used PM to juggle day to day operations. I need my sales guy to be able to log into process maker from his laptop from over the internet, Ive read the wiki and am lead to believe my only option is setting up a VPS? Is this true? or is there a simpler way to make the connection, Remote desktop,VPN..ect. Ive stepped into the world of linux and VPS's but signing up for the service, and have to say it looks interesting but ultimately I'm starting from scratch and don't have the time to figure it all out? So I will most like pay someone to set it up and get the crash course that way. However, as I have attempted to learn, I'm seeing that is may require more then just setting it up once and letting it run, so before proceeding forward are there simpler ways of using PM over the internet/remotely? and to be clear, The owner and I would always be accessing PM from the local network at the office and only the sales guy would need access remotely. Any advise would be appreciated..Thanks in advance Steve
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By amosbatto
Don't bother with hosted servers where you don't have root access and a command line. If your company doesn't have its own dedicated web server, then buy a VPS.

I use fanaticalVPS and am very happy with their basic unmetered plan, which is only $10 per month, but that is a solution for people who don't need support and are comfortable configuring their system via SSH.
By neiper
We are a smallish enterprise and have set PM up to run on a windoze box (corporate standard). We've redirected a nonstandard port from the firewall into the PM server's port 80. When on the internal network, users just type the servername into the browser window.

And they have an 'external' bookmark in their browsers (to[nonstandardport]) for when they're on the road.The LDAP module authenticates users using their Win AD accounts. Seems to work just fine.
By stantrabel
Thank you for the response, and by, I'm guessing then a VPS is my only real option for out of the office access. Seems odd with all the cloud based software that a program as fundemenlty important ad PM there isn't an easier way? I'm sure there is a real reason for it. Believe me I've looked and this software seems to be the only true piece of software that really hits its mark for what it is. I noticed that there was paid service that was cloudbased, does anyone know pricing off hand, is it tiered?
By stantrabel
neiper wrote:We are a smallish enterprise and have set PM up to run on a windoze box (corporate standard). We've redirected a nonstandard port from the firewall into the PM server's port 80. When on the internal network, users just type the servername into the browser window.

And they have an 'external' bookmark in their browsers (to[nonstandardport]) for when they're on the road.The LDAP module authenticates users using their Win AD accounts. Seems to work just fine.
Thanks, Ill look into this, sounds promising...
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By amosbatto
stantrabel wrote: I noticed that there was paid service that was cloudbased, does anyone know pricing off hand, is it tiered?
Yes, it is tiered, based upon the level of support and the number of plugins that you use. If you want pricing, call Colosa and ask. See:
By techmania
VPS is give more security to our system and It could be better for owner. We can add or set up into PM to helping to monitor every thing as they want.
By cathpeti47
stantrabel wrote: Thu May 31, 2012 7:48 am Thank you for the response, and by, I'm guessing then a VPS is my only real option for out of the office access. Seems odd with all the cloud based software that a program as fundemenlty important ad PM there isn't an easier way? I'm sure there is a real reason for it convention obsèques. Believe me I've looked and this software seems to be the only true piece of software that really hits its mark for what it is. I noticed that there was paid service that was cloudbased, does anyone know pricing off hand, is it tiered?
It may also be for security that they opted for this unique access. This is especially to avoid data loss and hacking.

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