Questions and discussion about developing processes and programming in PHP, JavaScript, web services & REST API.
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By brucehackworth
Hello, here's how you can extract event log data:

1. Access the Event Log: Log in to your ProcessMaker instance and navigate to the "Event Log" section. The location of the Event Log may vary depending on the version and configuration of your ProcessMaker installation.

2. Filter and Search: Use the available filters and search functionality to narrow down the event log data based on your requirements. You can filter by process, user, date range, and other relevant criteria to focus on specific events or activities.

3. Export Event Logs: Once you have applied the desired filters and obtained the necessary event log data on the screen, you can export the data for further analysis. Look for an option to export or download the event log data, typically available in formats such as CSV (Comma-Separated Values) or Excel.

4. Analyze the Extracted Data: After exporting the event log data, you can open the exported file using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. This allows you to perform data analysis, apply filters, create charts or pivot tables, and gain insights into process performance, user activities, and process information change logs.

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