Questions and discussion about using ProcessMaker: user interface, running cases & functionality
amosbatto wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2017 5:46 pm I just randomly flipped through parts of the book, and it looks pretty good. I hope that you have good sales of the book.

Would you like me to make this post a sticky announcement on the forum for the next week (so it stays at the top of the list of posts)? We are always happy to see others promoting the use of ProcessMaker.

I have two observations about the book. In the beginning when installing PM with Bitnami, you should mention that Bitnami installations are generally only used for testing and developing processes. A manual installation is recommended when using processes in production, because Bitnami installations cannot be upgraded to later versions and Bitnami installations are generally slower and use more resources than manual installations.

In your JavaScript code, I recommend only using jQuery selectors. For example, you use code like this that mixes standard JavaScript and jQuery:
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//Register comments handler to button events
document.getElementById("form\[comment_button\]").onclick = addComments;
$("form").submit( addComments );
First of all, you don't need to escape the [ and ] characters in standard Javascript, so this will work:
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document.getElementById("form[comment_button]").onclick = addComments;
However, the PM Developers don't recommend using document.getElementById() to obtain the elements of a form, because the developers say that it might not always work in the ProcessMaker Mobile App, although I haven't seen an example where it doesn't work. However, it is necessary to use the custom helper functions setValue(), getValue() and setOnchange() which only work with jQuery, instead of the value and onchange properties in standard JavaScript. To avoid problems and possible confusion, we recommend always using jQuery(), even though it may be more complicated in some instances.

Officially, we recommend that you use code like this:
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$("#comment_button").find("button").on("click", addComments);
I personally don't like using the find() function because you have to know what HTML element you are searching for ("button", "div", "input", "select", "textarea", etc.) with each type of control, so I directly select the element through its ID "form[id]" which requires escaping the square brackets [ and ] with \\:
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$("#form\\[comment_button\\]").on("click", addComments );
I also don't see much reason to use .on() instead of .click() which is a shorthand that does the same thing:
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$("#form\\[comment_button\\]").click( addComments );
Some people find escaping with jQuery selectors to be very confusing, so they use this code:
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$("[id='form[comment_button]']").click( addComments );
No matter which method that you choose, I do recommend using jQuery() in all instances, so that people get used to using jQuery and won't try to use document.getElementById().value and document.getElementById().onchange which will cause problems.

If you want me to review your code in the entire book, you can email me a copy of your book at and I will look at it when I have time.
Terrific! I have just purchased a copy (I couldn't resist at that price)!
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By Yogesh
Hi Team,

I have one developed project, it is related with credit card request when i tried to submit my first form then i am facing below error:
DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag o:p invalid in Entity, line: 7

Please suggest me, How can i resolved this issue.
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By yaaraaja4
Version 5.4) inside workflow>public_html directory of processmaker.
My company provided the code and wanted me to run it in my local machine. But the thing is I have no idea how to run it . I can't seem to find any guidelines, documentations or answers.

So any guidance would be a lifesaver. Thank you
By cabalsmith6
ProcessMaker Designer is a BPMN 2.0 compliant process designer with drag and drop functionality that allows you to easily model your business processes, create forms for capturing data when running the process, set up business rules or conditions and assign users to tasks making up the process amongst other things.

If you are wondering what BPMN 2.0 means, BPMN stands for “Business Process Model and Notation” and it is a global standard for business process modelling which provides a set of graphical notations for the specification of a business process in a Business Process Diagram. The current version of the standard is 2.0 and it is maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG).
BPMN 2.0 provides a uniform means for business owners to clearly describe their business processes in a standard manner that can readily be understood without any familiarity with the nuances of the business or organisation. By being BPMN 2.0 compliant, the ProcessMaker designer allows us to model our process in any BPMN 2.0 compliant application and import them into ProcessMaker, and vice versa.

When you click the Designer tab in the main menu, the Process List screen is displayed as shown in the diagram in the previous section. This screen displays a paged list of all the processes currently in the system. At the moment we have none. The menu bar (see image below) on the page gives us options for creating, editing, enabling or disabling, importing, exporting, deleting and searching for processes.

Process List Actions
We will briefly explore the available actions in the Process list as we proceed to create our first ProcessMaker process.

This allows us to create a new project in ProcessMaker (The term project is used because a project can contain more than one process, e.g. a main process with sub-processes). Let us see how this works.

Click the new button in the menu bar and the modal pop-up below is displayed.
Enter a name for the project and a description. Leave the category as “No Category” for now. We will learn how to create categories when we explore the Admin features.

Click the Create button.
The new project is created and the Process Designer screen is displayed. The screen is overlaid with an introductory walkthrough that shows you the key features of the designer and what they do. Click the next button on the walkthrough to quickly explore the designer and click the Done button at the end. Basically I have also developer a BPM app with help of mobile app development company( . Click the Close button in the top-right corner to close the project and return to the list of processes. Your newly created process should now be displayed in the list.

The Edit option as the name implies allows you to edit the processes you create in ProcessMaker. To edit a process, you select it from the list and click the Edit button from the menu bar. When a process is selected from the list, it is highlighted in yellow. Clicking the Edit button launches the process designer allowing you to make the required changes to the process.

The status option shows the status of a process and toggles between Deactivate (for Active processes) or Activate (for Inactive processes) when a process is selected from the list. Newly created processes are active by default as seen in the image above. When a process is deactivated, users will no longer be able to work on the process. To Deactivate a process, select it and click the Deactivate button.

The process status changes to Inactive as seen in the diagram above, and the Status button now shows the option to Activate. Select the process and click Activate.

The Export option allows you to export your projects outside of ProcessMaker. This is useful for copying a project from one ProcessMaker instance to another. Let us see how it works. Select your project and click the Export button. The Save dialog is displayed, choose a location on your system and save the project. The project will be saved with a .pmx extension.

Delete and Delete Cases
The Delete option allows you to delete a project. A project can however only be deleted if it has no cases. The Delete Cases option is a recently introduced feature in version 3.0.18 that allows you to delete all the cases of a process.

Hope this will help everybody.
By Ajaykumar
Step 1: Download & Extract ProcessMaker. ...
Step 2: Configuring PHP Settings. ...
Step 3: MySQL Configuration. ...
Step 4: Apache Configuration. ...
Step 6: Installation Wizard.
Last edited by Ajaykumar on Thu Jun 15, 2023 9:02 am, edited 5 times in total.
By kevaroy567
If you're new to ProcessMaker, I highly recommend checking out a beginner's guide! Understanding the basics of this powerful workflow and business process management platform can make your journey much smoother. A comprehensive beginner's guide will walk you through the key concepts, terminology, and functionalities of ProcessMaker, helping you grasp the foundations and build a solid understanding.
If you're new to ProcessMaker, I highly recommend checking out a beginner's guide! Understanding the basics of this powerful workflow and business process management platform can make your journey much smoother. A comprehensive beginner's guide will walk you through the key concepts, terminology, and functionalities of ProcessMaker, helping you grasp the foundations and build a solid understanding.
By ownthewin
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By atulraj123
Becoming fluent in English is a rewarding but often challenging journey that requires dedication, practice, and immersion. Here are some steps to help you achieve fluency in English:

1. **Set Clear Goals:**
- Define what fluency means to you. It could involve being able to hold extended conversations, understand complex texts, or function effectively in English-speaking environments.

2. **Immerse Yourself:**
- Whenever possible, surround yourself with English. This could involve living in an English-speaking country, taking extended trips, or creating an English-speaking environment at home.

3. **Take English Courses:**
- Enroll in English courses, whether in-person or online. Look for courses that focus on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

4. **Practice Speaking Regularly:**
- Engage in daily conversations with native English speakers or language partners. Consistent speaking practice is essential for fluency.

5. **Expand Your Vocabulary:**
- Learn new words and phrases regularly. Read books, articles, and newspapers in English to expose yourself to a wide range of vocabulary.

6. **Listen Actively:**
- Listen to English podcasts, radio, music, and watch English-language movies and TV shows. This will improve your listening comprehension and expose you to different accents and dialects.

7. **Read Widely:**
- Read a variety of materials in English, from newspapers and novels to technical manuals and academic papers. Reading enhances your vocabulary and understanding of sentence structure.

8. **Write Regularly:**
- Keep a journal in English, write essays, or start a blog. Writing helps reinforce your grasp of grammar and sentence construction.

9. **Take Advantage of Language Learning Apps:**
- Use language learning apps like Duolingo, Memrise, or Anki to reinforce your vocabulary and grammar skills.

10. **Seek Feedback:**
- Ask native speakers or experienced learners for feedback on your speaking and writing. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.

11. **Practice Pronunciation:**
- Pay close attention to pronunciation and practice difficult sounds and words. Consider accent reduction classes if necessary.

12. **Learn Grammar and Syntax:**
- Study English grammar and syntax rules. Understanding these fundamentals will help you construct more complex sentences and communicate effectively.

13. **Join English Clubs or Discussion Groups:**
- Participate in English-speaking clubs or discussion groups to engage in conversations on various topics.

14. **Travel and Cultural Immersion:**
- If possible, travel to English-speaking countries to experience the language and culture firsthand. This can be a valuable part of your language learning journey.

15. **Set Realistic Milestones:**
- Break your language learning journey into achievable milestones. Celebrate your progress along the way.

16. **Stay Consistent:**
- Consistency is key to language learning. Make a schedule and stick to it. Even short, daily practice sessions can yield results over time.

17. **Stay Motivated:**
- Find reasons to stay motivated. Whether it's a desire to communicate with English speakers, advance your career, or enjoy English-language media, a clear motivation will help you persevere.

18. **Be Patient:**
- Learning a language takes time. There will be plateaus and periods of frustration, but persistence pays off.

19. **Seek Professional Help if Needed:**
- If you're serious about fluency and need targeted assistance, consider working with a language tutor or enrolling in intensive language programs.

Remember that fluency is a gradual process, and it may take several years of dedicated effort to achieve. Stay committed, keep practicing, and celebrate your milestones along the way. Fluency in English will open up countless opportunities for communication, career advancement, and cultural exploration.

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By xacawui
ProcessMaker is a BPM software that enables businesses to design, automate, and manage workflows efficiently. After installing the software, users can create custom workflows using the intuitive Process Designer and design forms with the Form Builder. Key features include workflow automation, task assignment, and the ability to simulate processes for testing. Users can define roles, set up automation rules, and deploy processes for real-world use. Monitoring and optimization are facilitated through built-in reporting tools, and the ProcessMaker community provides a valuable resource for support and collaboration. The continuous improvement cycle involves analyzing data and user feedback to refine and enhance workflows over time.
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By hanamin
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