Foro pra discusão de ProcessMaker
By afonsolima
Por favor amigos, Não estou conseguindo instalar o ProcessMaker.
Acho que é a configuração do VirtualHost (pmos.conf). Qdo. acesso
pelo browser só aparecem os arquivos dentro de /var/www/processmaker.
O que estaria fazendo de errado. Antecipadamente agradeço.
By ArturoTorrez
Hola afonsolima,

bueno necesito un poco mas de informacion acerca del sistema operativo en el cual tienes o vas a tener ProcerssMaker, mientras tanto te envio el archivo pmos.conf tanto como para windows como linux:
Code: Select all
  1 # Please change the ip address with your server ip address and
  2 # the ServerName with you own subdomains.
  4 NameVirtualHost your_ip_address
  6 #processmaker virtual host 
  7 <VirtualHost your_ip_address >
  8   ServerName "your_processmaker_server"
  9   DocumentRoot /opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html
 10   DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
 11   <Directory  "/opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html">
 12     AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
 14     AllowOverRide none
 15     Options FollowSymlinks
 16     Order allow,deny
 17     Allow from all
 19     RewriteEngine on
 20     RewriteRule ^.*/(.*)$ sysGeneric.php [NC,L]
 22     ExpiresActive On
 23     ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 day"
 24     ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 day"
 25     ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 day"
 26     ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 day"
 27     ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 day"
 28     ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 day"
 30     AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
 32   </Directory>
 33 </VirtualHost>
ahora bien los cambios que tienes que hacer son los siguientes:
en linux:
Code: Select all
 1 # Please change the ip address with your server ip address and
  2 # the ServerName with you own subdomains.
  4 NameVirtualHost *:80
  6 #processmaker virtual host 
  7 <VirtualHost *:80 >
  8   ServerName "yourServer"
  9   DocumentRoot /opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html
 10   DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
 11   <Directory  "/opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html">
 12     AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
en window:
Code: Select all
 1 # Please change the ip address with your server ip address and
  2 # the ServerName with you own subdomains.
  4 NameVirtualHost *:80
  6 #processmaker virtual host 
  7 <VirtualHost *:80 >
  8   ServerName "yourServer"
  9   DocumentRoot C:\opt\processmaker\workflow\public_html
 10   DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
 11   <Directory  "C:\opt\processmaker\workflow\public_html">
 12     AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Nota: el * puedes cambiar por el ip de tu maquina, o también puedes dejarlo asi.

espero que este dato te ayude en tu instalación, para continuar con esto puedes enviarme la informacion que te solicite



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